Nordzypern Top Invest
Von Unternehmern für Unternehmer

North Cyprus Top Invest

Invest in your future. North Cyprus, is the right place for your vacation home or retirement property.  Why North Cyprus and not South Spain like the years before? The local offers are ideal to invest in your future and at the same time create a place of relaxation for you and your family.

Why North Cyprus, of all places?

We have lived in North Cyprus for 5 months and in Cyprus for 1 year. First, we looked at the southern part of Cyprus, but that was too European for us and Germany from the price development very similar. 


Through a business partner, we were then addressed to North Cyprus and all its advantages and disadvantages. After intensive research, we decided to move to the north, and let me tell you one thing: we were rewarded for making this decision.

The people here are very warm and hospitable. The infrastructure is on a European level, and you quickly get used to the left-hand traffic.


We have found paradise in the heart of Europe.

Here you come to live and to slow down. Our biggest advantage is that we do not have to pay taxes here (company abroad) and the cost of living here is 66% cheaper than in Germany.

A particular highlight, you can pay with cryptos in about 99% of all stores. Everyone can afford real estate here, and never before have I seen that it is so easy and simple to network with the people here and together make the island economically bigger and stronger.

Feel free to visit the island and make your own picture, it is definitely worth it.


Paul Friesen (Investor and Partner Nordzypern Top Invest)

Established countries are overcrowded

In established countries, prices are so high that the masses are unable to buy a vacation home. These high prices compared to rents limit investment opportunities in most hot spots.

Off the beaten track

Investing in the residential real estate sector in certain Mediterranean markets is a huge, under-realized real estate asset and a very solid form of investment.

Residential real estate with a future

Northern Cyprus proves that investments in residential real estate are ideal due to the extremely low
price level, which shows annual value increases of up to 25%, not only for vacation homes.

Studies give hope for more

According to the Knight Franks Global Housing Index for 2017/18, no country has capital growth above 17%. Our partner conducts a recent study that shows that the Gold Coast of Northern Cyprus has seen annual capital growth of over 20% in the last 4 years.

Go for gold

Our focus is on the Golden Coast (east of Kyrenia), where supply is limited in terms of maximum two-story construction. In these locations, demand for good projects exceeds supply.

Capital appreciation and rental yields

In the right locations, capital gains of 15 to 25 % and rental yields of up to 10 % can be expected over the next 5 years.
25 % and rental yields of up to 10 % can be expected. After all, why should your vacation home be vacant when you're not there?

Real estate (own use and or renting out)

There is always the possibility to rent out the property, this is currently almost guaranteed for six months per year. On-site there are various offers for renting out your property. Whether self-letting or service, as in a hotel, you decide which concept fits your interests and your investment goals.


Foreign buyers and investors in North Cyprus

We work with our local partner to enable investors like you to buy property in North Cyprus. The process of buying a property by a foreign investor in Cyprus must always be accompanied by a lawyer or notary. This gives you additional security and a partner by your side on the way to your dream properties.

In the residential sector, buyers are fully protected by the registration system. For an investor or an individual buyer, it can be more profitable and less risky to simply buy from a long-established developer. The developer has to do the hardest work, while the buyer simply waits and gradually pays according to physical progress
paid on site. There are opportunities to buy with payment terms that exceed the construction period.